The 2nd DBCLS BioHackathon: interoperable bioinformatics Web services for integrated applications.
Katayama, T., Wilkinson, M. D., Vos, R., Kawashima, T., Kawashima, S., Nakao, M., Yamamoto, Y., Chun, H. W., Yamaguchi, A., Kawano, S., Aerts, J., Aoki-Kinoshita, K. F., Arakawa, K., Aranda, B., Bonnal, R. J., Fernández, J. M., Fujisawa, T., Gordon, P. M., Goto, N., Haider, S., Harris, T., Hatakeyama, T., Ho, I., Itoh, M., Kasprzyk, A., Kido, N., Kim, Y. J., Kinjo, A. R., Konishi, F., Kovarskaya, Y., von, Kuster, G., Labarga, A., Limviphuvadh, V., McCarthy, L., Nakamura, Y., Nam, Y., Nishida, K., Nishimura, K., Nishizawa, T., Ogishima, S., Oinn, T., Okamoto, S., Okuda, S., Ono, K., Oshita, K., Park, K. J., Putnam, N., Senger, M., Severin, J., Shigemoto, Y., Sugawara, H., Taylor, J., Trelles, O., Yamasaki, C., Yamashita, R., Satoh, N., Takagi T. The 2nd DBCLS BioHackathon: interoperable bioinformatics Web services for integrated applications. J. Biomed. Semantics 2:4 (2011).
PubMed Journal of Biomedical Semantics
iPath2.0: interactive pathway explorer.
Yamada, T., Letunic, I., Okuda, S., Kanehisa, M., Bork, P. iPath2.0: interactive pathway explorer. Nucleic Acids Res. 39:W412-5 (2011).
Computational Methods for the Interpretation of Clinical MetaOmics Data: from a ‘Bag of Genes’ to Ecosystem Networks and Clinical Markers.
Raes, J,. Darzi, Y., Falony, G., Faust, K., Hildebrand, F., Lima-Mendez, G., Okuda, S. Computational Methods for the Interpretation of Clinical MetaOmics Data: from a ‘Bag of Genes’ to Ecosystem Networks and Clinical Markers. International Human microbiome Congress, 126 Vancouver (2011/3).
ODB: a database for operon organizations, 2011 update.
Okuda, S., Yoshizawa, A. C. ODB: a database for operon organizations, 2011 update. Nucleic Acids Res. 39:D552-5 (2011).
iPath: Interactive Pathways Explorer.
Yamada, T., Letunic, I., Okuda, S., Bork, P. iPath: Interactive Pathways Explorer. ECCB 2010, Ghent, G-74 (2010/9).
Direct observation and analysis of bacterial growth on an antimicrobial surface.
Yamada, H., Takahashi, N., Okuda, S., Tsuchiya, Y., Morisaki, H. Direct observation and analysis of bacterial growth on an antimicrobial surface. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76(16):5409-14 (2010).
PubMed Applied and Environmental Microbiology
iPath: Interactive Pathways Explorer.
Yamada, T., Letunic, I., Okuda, S., Bork, P. iPath: Interactive Pathways Explorer. RECOMB2010, Portugal, B-63 (2010/8).
From Parts Lists to Ecosystem Networks: Development of a 2nd Generation Toolkit for MetaOmics Analysis.
Darzi, Y., Falony, G., Faust, K., Hildebrand, F., Lima-Mendez, G., Okuda, S., Raes, J. From Parts Lists to Ecosystem Networks: Development of a 2nd Generation Toolkit for MetaOmics Analysis. Human Microbiome Research Conference, 85 St Louis, Missouri (2010/8).
From Parts Lists to Ecosystem Networks: Development of a 2nd Generation Toolkit for MetaOmics Analysis.
Darzi, Y., Falony, G., Faust, K., Hildebrand, F., Lima-Mendez, G., Okuda, S., and Raes, J. ; From Parts Lists to Ecosystem Networks: Development of a 2nd Generation Toolkit for MetaOmics Analysis. Human Microbiome Research Conference, St. Louis (2010/8).
Comprehensive analysis of glycosyltransferases in eukaryotic genomes for structural and functional characterization of glycans.
Hashimoto, K., Tokimatsu, T., Kawano, S., Yoshizawa, A. C., Okuda, S., Goto, S., Kanehisa, M. Comprehensive analysis of glycosyltransferases in eukaryotic genomes for structural and functional characterization of glycans. Carbohydr. Res. 344(7):881-7 (2009).